Backpacking Viewpoint from the trail


Backpacking Viewpoint | fire in the sky | Find places that few people ever see

A backpacking viewpoint from hard to reach places

Spending time on the trail can open a unique Backpacking Viewpoint of the world. The best viewpoints come from the places that few visit. Even a well-traveled path can reveal some unexpected moments that form long lasting memories. I often wonder as I stand on the top of a mountain and absorb a view that amazes me how many people have stood there before. Also, the tougher the hike and the terrain I had to cover to reach that spot, makes me believe fewer have ever gazed at the same view.


Satisfaction overcomes me in the realization that I have just witnessed something that few have or ever will. Not that I want to keep it to myself, but at the moment I usually enjoy the thought that I am in an elite club if you will, of a select few who can and did make it to that same place. God has blessed me with the strength, health, and desire to take on such a challenge. I rarely backpack alone and find pleasure in sharing these times with my wife or close friends.

Considering the deeper Backpacking Viewpoint

Backpacking Viewpoint | trails destinationI know there are those who dream of such adventures, yet cannot physically make the journey. For those of us that can, we are truly blessed. Sometimes I feel too lazy, or busy to journey down a trail or explore a wild area. Hence I find it motivates me to consider how fortunate I am to undertake the task of an outdoor adventure. Breaking away from the daily routine of computers and connectivity does my soul good.

Time to take the ultralight backpacking gear out on the trail

ultralight backpacking gear | Go farther enjoy the trip

Go farther than take less with you

I find that sometimes I have to make the time to plan a trip and pull my ultralight backpacking gear out of the closet. Otherwise, adventures fall to the side, replaced with the daily tasks of life. The effort required getting out there is rewarded on the trail. I cannot remember any trip that once I immersed into the adventure, having any regrets of what was behind undone or behind schedule. Sometimes time just won’t yield, so never underestimate how rewarding a simple hike for a few hours can rejuvenate the soul. Backpacking is a passion that pays dividends, in a world full of stress, a steep trail away from it all changes more than your viewpoint.

Taking the Backpacking Viewpoint to a shareable level

I plan on taking video of trails from start to finish in the near future. How many times have you wondered what a trail is really like, and what kind of camping opportunities are available along the trail? As time allows I will share my entire hikes via video, technical difficulties may impact this a bit, however, I am going to attempt this with select trails. Many of us use the street view from Google maps to look at places prior to travel, I know I do. I will, of course, edit the footage and speed up most of the trail, but I feel this will be a great way to see the real backpacking viewpoint of a trail before you plan your trip. I hope this is useful to some of you out there and look forward to feedback out this unique backpacking viewpoint. Having done a couple of short trails as a test, I have upgraded my equipment and plan on tackling them on a more professional level. Here is the first Video test I did at Raven Rock State Park.

See you on the trail

Finally, I hope to see you on the trail. If fate will have it, and we stand at the same place and watch the fire in the sky slowly drop behind the horizon.  I will gladly share a fire, some food, and of course some wild tails of past adventures.
